About Grundig Satellite Pro 3400
Here you can learn all about the Grundig Satellite Pro 3400 like manual and other information and reviews.
Grundig Satellite Pro 3400 manual (guide) is ready to download for free.
On average, users find GRUNDIG SATELLIT 3400 PROFESSIONAL very practical. They gave high marks for reliability and durability. However, opinion was divided. You can see GRUNDIG SATELLIT 3400 professional forum to identify problems that users encountered and suggest solutions.
They find it very good, but not all are in complete agreement. They feel it is very cheap and practical. You need to download GRUNDIG SATELLIT 3400 professional manually to ensure that its features according to your needs before buying.
Some comments from users on popular forums including universal-radio.com Satellite 3400 forum includes the following quote:
"nice radio, although difficult to service, very good fm reception. Grundig satellite 3400 is very interesting device, a very best old sw receiver, very nice. First time user, a truly classic!. Great all round radio."
Most agree the Radio is good, although difficult to get repair services, the FM reception is excellent and probably the best of old shortwave receivers.
It was built 1978-1982 and marked the high end traditional analog lines Grundig satellite. With a comprehensive range of 1.6 to 30 MHz SW, divided into 18 groups (including the laying 49 meters, 41 meters, 31 meters, 25 meters, 19 meters, 16 meters, 13 meters and 11 meters band), its FM reception with very good six configurable stations and digital frequency counter, which is verified and one of the most advanced portable receivers in the world ever developed. The NF amplifier continues to generate amazement, as MW and SW have better sound than most plastic FM receivers of today. Nearly 9 kilogram weight on the handle, lots of buttons, Switches and dimensions are added as well.
So great and wonderful, Satellite 3400 show, we cannot hide its shortcomings, too:
Its case is only made of plastic and no longer from wood. In particular, a large plate in front makes it looks cheap. Switches exposed over wide range predisposes them with the risk of being damaged during transport. And indeed, in most used radios there is one or more Switches broken away.
More problem is the contact transition with ease to oxidation. Drum tuner, with open gold contacts, cleaning is easy, but cannot clean the sealed Switches. In some second hand satellit 3400, they lead to cause problems with changes in bandwidth, and stressed short-wave band can only be received with a lot of distortion. It seems that the problem is common in this series.
When the 3400 satellite was launched in 1978, it was then still seen a modern (analog) device, but only a few years later, digital reception was everywhere. They offered more comfort, absolute frequency stabilization and required less space. Only "solid feel" of analog technology did not exist. And especially here, satellite 3400 weighing 3400 kg and 9 drum tuner was not beatable.
Grundig Satellite 3400 has both digital displays and analog features. It features the band buttons for LW / MW / SW / FM. Rotating Buttons on the right side for spread band selection. It has bass and treble controls and S-Meter. The rear panel has antenna input and output Connectors. Below is a battery compartment. It operates from D cells or 220 VAC. Euro Includes AC cord. Excellent sound. Made in West Germany.
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