Sunday, September 18, 2011

How Can Telecommunications Expense Management Help Your Business?

If someone was to ask you exactly how much money your business is spending on telecommunications devices, maybe you'd be able to ballpark it and come up with a reasonable answer. Think about it this way instead: how much money could you be saving on your telecommunications expenses? This question might provoke some interesting thought, or it should anyway, because this is where things get complicated. The right telecom expense management provider can help you parse through the web of fees and services to help you see how much money you're spending frivolously.

In business, the bottom line matters. Consider these major telecommunications offenders that directly impact your business's bottom line:

• Unused minutes
• Discounts available for business plans that go unredeemed
• Usage fees associated with messaging
• Outdated plans that skyrocket because of long distance and roaming charges
• Unnecessary purchases such as software or ringtones

There's more, but that should give you a good idea of money that isn't well spent. A telecommunications expense management provider (or TEM provider) can step in and provide instant results that save you money. Think of TEM solutions as moving as quickly as the mobile world itself.

As you likely know with your own mobile device, your phone service provider (now a proxy term encompassing smart phone capabilities i.e. Internet, messaging, etc.) isn't going to be the first to raise its hand to let you know you could be paying less. In fact, the industry changes so much and so often that keeping up with trends is a job unto itself. The right TEM tool can monitor your charges and assess where money can be saved across all devices. Think of it like an ongoing audit. Your telecommunications service provider will be consistently monitored and you'll be notified when you're not getting the utmost value from your provider.

Whether you're operating from a mobile platform, a fixed platform, or both, TEM providers can help your business reign in its spending from a unified, cloud-based platform. Smartphones have made many aspects of communication and information gathering much easier. However, the various speeds and feeds of the networks they operate from have created a more complex billing system. If you haven't thought about how you can save money on these expenses, there's a very strong chance you're throwing money right out the window.

For more information on how telecommunications expense management providers can help you, try the various free self-serve mobile cost management tools for an immediate eye-opener.

Look into telecom expense management tools today to start saving money. Some telecommunications expense management providers offer free tools so prospective businesses can see immediately where they can start saving.

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