If you are an owner of an internet business, then it is essential for you to understand the power of communication. Especially in the 21st century, the world has become more globalized than ever. It is very easy for someone in China or Kenya to buy some product of a company in Denmark or Brazil or vice versa. In fact, it can be said that for any company to be successful, it is essential for it to have a large potential customer base in the world. Especially in the case of downloadable digital products, you can technically sell your product to anyone in the world. However, this can only be achieved successfully with the power of telecommunications. It is important that your company is reachable not only by email, but by fax as well as by telephone.
While the world has become closer than ever due to the internet, in retrospect, potential customers have become more suspicious than ever. Customers want to feel safe before doing a business transaction and thus they require some sort of a real touch with the company that they will purchase from. Hence, the main thing that needs to be done is to have a telephone number that your company can be contacted at. However, if your company is based in another country and if your customer base is in USA or Canada; then your phone number will need to be based in these countries, so that your customers can call you with ease. Many customers will hesitate to call an international number that is not in their country for variety of reasons. Hence, in order to make life easier for them, you should be able to provide an international phone number for your company.
Fortunately, getting an international phone number in a country of your choice has become easier than ever. In fact, you can get several telephone numbers in various different countries depending upon the location of your customer base. For example, in order to get your US number or to get your Canada number, you will first need to go online and search for companies which provide digital communications solutions. In the age of the internet, getting a phone number in any country has become easier than ever, as you can easily do an online application and have your telephone number activated in a matter of days.
However, this phone number that is allocated to you will be a digital phone number. This means that you will need to also have a local landline or a local mobile number that you can forward your calls to. This way, when your customer calls you, actually the call will first go to your international phone number in a country of your choice. Then the service provider which has given you this international phone number will route the phone call through the internet to your local phone number. Technically, the call itself will go through some sort of a Digital Voice over IP system; but the person who is calling you will only be charged for the phone number that he or she may be dialing. During this process, you will be charged by your service provider for the duration of the call with the call rates of your country. So, while your customer may be paying for a local call, you will be paying for an international call. But because the call will be forwarded through the internet; the call rates for you will usually be in the range of few cents per minute.
Hence, using this system, you can get a phone number from any country in the world and you can have that phone number forwarded to your local number. With the advancements in technology, it has become possible to get an international number from your service provider for around ten to twenty dollars per month. Hence, you can also have your international phone number today with a simple online sign up process. Thus, for some businesses, this can be a great opportunity which can also give them a competitive edge against other companies, which may be selling similar products or services.
Dr. UGUR GUVEN is an Aerospace Engineer (PhD). He has worked as an academician as well as a technical director of various TV Channels. He is currently working as a Technical Consultant. For further information on the subject, you can consult http://www.guventechnology.com for getting an international phone number in the country of your choice as well as for web hosting solutions, video streaming, internet TV broadcasting and digital science journal publication solutions. You can also contact him at ugurguven@yahoo.com.
By Ugur Guven
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