Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Voice Messaging Services and Automated Dialer Solutions

Outbound Voice Messaging Services

The problem is age old, you have a message to deliver to a large number of people in and time is of the essence. What do you do? Utilize your staff to start making outbound calls, who manage to get through to 30% of your customer base? Or do you contract the work out to a professional call centre agency who are able to perhaps deliver the message to 60% of your customer base. The trouble that both methods are still not hitting the full success rate that you should expect.

So what's the solution?

Automating the process so that it doesn't matter what time of the day (within normal working hours of course) or if the person has their phone switched off or is on another call, the message will be delivered 100% of the time. If, for example the person does have their phone switched off, through automated messaging platforms the system can be programmed to flag that particular call as unresponsive and will come back to it. Should the system fail to connect to the recipient multiple times it will deliver a report of which numbers and customer ID were unable to be contacted, which can be chased up by in-house staff and often is the case that perhaps the person has changed their number or the service has been disconnected in these cases.

Often outbound voice messaging services can be tailored to your requirements, so you can choose to speed up or slow down the number of calls made in a day. Furthermore real-time reporting is offered, so you can track the progress of a campaign via a web interface and pull data and stats from it.

What are the benefits?

The immediate benefits for any business utilizing this technology becomes immediately apparent. It streamlines your whole communications process. Think of all the wasted time invested spent by staff/call centre-agents trying to reach customers who may be out or otherwise occupied. Using automated voice messaging services, ensure that you will contact the recipient at a better for time and not waste time waiting to manually call them back after repeated failed attempts. This allows your business to concentrate on the areas that are more profitable, making your business all that more streamlined and efficient. Furthermore, the technology is already there and can be implemented into companies' existing telephone exchanges and platforms.

The versatility of such systems is immense. Outbound voice messaging and automatic dialing solutions can be applied for a variety of uses. For instance perhaps you're a football club and want to send out a personalised message to season ticket holders following successful completion of a season ticket purchase. With such outbound messaging systems, you could then organise a personal message from the manager to be sent out to all who purchased the tickets through automatic dialing. A great personal touch, and something that will mean a lot to the fans. There are endless uses that such systems can be applied to, and will ultimately save your business the two most important commodities: time and money.

Also important for many industries nowadays is to keep up the competition, and you can be sure many of your competitors using manual call communication processes will be looking to expedite the process by turning to automatic methods. At the moment though businesses are still slow to catch on, so this could be the perfect time for your business or organisation to gain the upper hand and start utilizing this technology. If you'd like to know more information please see the details below and get in contact with KeyIVR Ltd - a professional outbound messaging solutions and automated dialer company based in the UK.

Dom Taylor is a SEO and PPC specialist. This article was written on behalf of KeyIVR Ltd. who offer outbound messaging and automatic dialing solutions.
If you are interested in finding out more about outbound messaging and automatic dialing services, you email them at: © Copyright Dom Taylor 2011

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